1 ¼ cawantepung gandum (dah diayak)
2 sudu serbuk koko
½ sudu kecilbaking powder
½ sudu kecilbaking soda
¼ sudu kecil garam
¼ cawan mentega
¾ cawangula icing
¾ cawan buttermilk (bersamaan 1cawan susu full cream + 1sudu
besar cuka)
1 biji telur
1 sudu essenvanilla
Bahan Topping:
2 cawangulaicing
250g krim cheese,
2 sudumentega
1 sudususu full cream
1 sudu essen vanilla
1.Panaskan ketuharkepada350 darjah.
2.Dalam mangkuk
kecilcampurkanbersama-sama5bahan pertama
dan ketepikan. Dalammangkuk yang
lainadun (pakai mixer lg sng) guladan mentega sehingga sebati, masukkan telurdan essen vanilamix lg smpai sebati.
3.Masukkan 5 bahan
pertama yg sudah dicampur td ke dalam adunan, bersama dengan buttermilk dan
pewarna merah, gaul sehingga sebati.
4.Cedok adunansamaratadalam bekas yg disediakandan bakarselama18hingga22 minit. (nk tau dh msak,
ble cucuk gne lidi die x mlekat..)
5.Untuk topping, gaul semua
bahan smpai sebati, gune mixer pon blh..then, ltak je blh atas cupcakes tu...dh
Ungkapan yang mampu terungkap apabila mendapat apa yang kita impikan .. sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t telah mengabulkan doaku,ibu bapaku,sahabat - sahabat.. dalam hati, aku berharap sangat dapat mengecapi kejayaan ini.. tapi, kelemahan ku untuk membahagi masa susah diatasi. Mampukah aku mengecapinya lagi ??
entah lah.. tapi aku akan cuba sedaya upaya aku.. in shaa allah.. bersusah2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian ~
Assalamualaikum ! Hehe.. otak penat cgt ! maklum lar shopping sampai satu hari .. perrhhh ! dari Times Square -->> Sogo KL -->> Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman -->> The Mines Shopping Mall...
By the way, post kali ni zura nak cecite pasal produk pemakanan yang zura amalkan sekarang..
Bunyi cam boring gileer nak cite pasal produk - produk MLM ni.. tapi untuk pengetahuan anda2 semua produk ni memey terbaik lar.. zura beli 3 produk dia iaitu Formula 1 ( Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder Drink ), Herbal Aloe dan Omega 3 Fish Oil.
SEORANG yang berusia 60 tahun akan menghabiskan masa lebih kurang 20 tahun untuk tidur. Sekiranya dia tidur mengikut sunnah Rasullullah saw, maka tidurnya akan jadi ibadah. Allah swt hanya akan menerima ibadah yang dilakukan dengan ikhlas. Tidur adalah ibadat yang paling ikhlas. Seseorang tidak perlu dipaksa atau terpaksa untuk tidur. Ganjaran Allah swt untuk orang yang mengamalkan sunnah sangat besar. Satu sunnah yang diamalkan berterusan akan diberi ganjaran 100 pahala mati syahid, sedangkan satu pahala mati syahid sudah cukup untuk menjamin seseorang untuk masuk syurga. Di dalam tidur sendiri ada banyak sunnah. Sebaliknya, jika seseorang tidur cara selain dari cara Nabi saw, dia hanya akan dapat kerehatan. Kalau bernasib baik, selama 20 tahun mungkin dia dapat mengumpul 20 kilo tahi mata dan menakung 20 liter atau lebih air liur basi.
Antara Sunnah-sunnah Nabi saw sebelum, ketika dan selepas tidur.
1.Sebelum dan selepas tidur baca doa tidur. Ramai orang memperlekehkan doa Masnun(doa harian)tapi hakikatnya harga yang Allah swt janjikan adalah syurga.
2. Jangan tidur menghadap kaki arah Qiblat. Ini adalah kedudukan tidur orang yang telah mati.
3. Barangsiapa yang membaca Tasbih Fatimah, sekiranya dia mati malam itu,dia akan dikira sebagai mati syahid. Apa itu Tasbih Fatimah? Subhanallah 33 X, Alhamdulillah 33 X, Allahuakbar 34 X.
4. Baca 4 Qul tiup ke tapak tangan dan sapu keseluruh badan
untuk menghindarkan sihir dan niat jahat manusia.
5. Niat untuk bangun Tahajjud. Sekiranya tidak terjaga, Allah swt akan mengira seolah-olah dia bertahajjud sepanjang malam. Tahajjud adalah sebaik-baik pelindung daripada sihir dan buatan orang.
6.Ambil wudhu sebelum tidur dan Solat Sunat Taubat 2 rakaat.
7.Maafkan semua kesalahan manusia pada kita dan halalkan semua hutang piutang sebelum tidur.Bangun tidur boleh buka fail semula kalau mahu.
8. Tidur cara Rasulullah saw dengan mengiring badan ke kanan dan tapak tangan di bawah pipi. Banyak lagi Sunnah Nabi saw yang boleh diamal, semuanya mudah untuk dilakukan. Lebih mudah daripada bersolek atau pakai night cream sebelum tidur.Lebih mudah daripada buat senaman ringan sebelum tidur....
Berada di Sungai Congkak seolah-olah berada di suatu tempat yang tidak mempunyai masalah dan sangat aman dan damai dengan bunyi arus sungai yang mengalir deras dek hujan yang turun dengan lebatnya pada petang itu.. Aku tersenyum gembira dengan hiruk-pikuk dan kegembiraan yang dapat dirasai antara keluargaku dan jiran-jiran. Kami telah merancang lama untuk meluangkan masa bersama-sama serta ingin merapatkan silaturrahim antar kami. Untuk pengetahuan anda, Aku baru setahun berpindah ke rumah baru di Taman Raja Tun Uda,Semenyih. Sebelum ini aku tinggal di Kem Pasukan Gerakan Am(PGA), Cheras. Aku amat bersyukur kerana dikurniakan jiran- jiran yang amat prihatin dan ambil berat serta menganggap mereka macam keluarga aku sendiri. Susah senang kami kongsi bersama - sama. Berbalik kepada picnic kami tadi, aku selitkan gambar - gambar sepanjang picnic............
In the early twentieth
century,shopping is necessary in our life perhaps it is important to shop as to
get our needed things.However,shopping itself is very abstract and is like an
addiction to some people either women or men. It is similar to other addictive
behaviors and has some of the same characteristics as problem drinking
(alcoholism), gambling and overeating addictions.Compulsive shopping,impulsive
shopping or it’s scientific name is oniomania give a bad effect when this habit
is out of control especially in relationships and finances. It can bankrupt
families and lead to broken homes .People who ‘shop till they drop’ and run
their credit cards up to the limit or an obsession with shopping that
significantly interferes with the functioning of the individual is the meaning
of impulsive shopping. According to research, people also buy a lot more
expensive stuff when they’re depressed,lonely or angry.
‘Prevention Is Better Than Cure’ means
that take step to control yourself during shop is better than think’out of the
box’the best solution to pay all financial debt you obtain from compulsive
shopping.I know it sounds difficult to controly ourself from shopping as there
are many alternatives way to see advertise which is make us feel excited and
wonderful about shopping trough internet like Zawara,Zalora,Whizet or in
newspaper,electronic media such as television and radio.So,in my opinion,you
must use your money wisely and be prepared of yourself by take a few step on
how to prevent oniomania habit before you head out to go shopping at mall,discount
warehouse or shopping districts.
There are many step you can take
such as make a shopping list,pick up a new hobby and seek out counseling or
support group.First of all,make a shopping list. Before you head out the door
to go shopping, make a list of exactly what you need. Force yourself to write
down everything thing you buy on a daily basis. Set a goal of only spending a
certain amount on a monthly basis. Be very detailed in your description of each
item that you're looking for and make sure it's an item you actually must have.
When you leave the house, take your list with you, stay focused and only buy
the items on your list. When you see an item in the store you think you might
like, keep it in mind, but out of the cart. After a day or two, you may come to
realize you don't actually need the item. If you decide you do want the item,
add it to your next shopping list.
Besides,you also can prevent
oniomania by picking up a new hobby or fill an empty space in your life with
other interesting and creative activities. Sometimes compulsive shopping is
done out of boredom .Find alternative things to do to replace your shopping
trips and explore opportunities for joining local clubs in your area. Instead
of hitting your favorite stores, or shopping only, channel your energy into
more positive activities like exercising, reading or pursuing a hobby. If
you're busy, especially if you're doing something fun and physical sports, you
will not only be too occupied to do mindless shopping, you'll also be engaged
in a healthy, stress-busting activity.. You may discover that there are more
enjoyable ways to spend the day than spending money at the mall. Replace
shopping with exercise and do walk or some other form of exercise.Challenge
yourself and setting a healthy goal.Find differences in your life when working
toward goal.
Final step of prevention of
oniomania habit is seek out counseling or support group.If you feel your
spending is so out of control and you cannot wrestle with the problem alone,try
joining a support group, such as The Stopping Overshopping Program (
can try attending a Debtors Anonymous meeting.To find meeting times and
locations in your area,visit the Debtors Anonymous website and click on “Find a
DA Meeting”.Many shoppers have recovered with the assistance of this program.If
group work is not your style,seek out a help hotline via telephone or
Internet.For more serious
intervention,the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery at Proctor Hospital
offers an in-patient treatment program for compulsive spenders and debtors. By
getting to the root of why you consistently splurge, you'll understand how your
habits first began and how to combat the cultural and media influences that
make you want to hit the mall and shop unnecessarily or in excess.
To conclude,most people are
guilty of impulse spending now and then,but for some individuals overspending
for no solid reason can lead to misery and debt.Shoppers can stop themselves
from impulsively spending by watching out
for triggers which cause indulgent spending activity and by planning for
a sound economic future.You can beat the compulsive shopping addiction. Just
listen to common sense, practice a little self-discipline, and follow the
guidelines above.Your money will be used on other personal matters, such as the
kid's college fund. Compulsive shopping addiction doesn't have to rule your
life. By being aware of the problem and taking some simple steps to break the
cycle of spending, you can stop shopping addiction.You must try to shop like
most men. It is really save your money,time and energy.It’s worth it when you
regret at beginner than you regret when your financial debt is increased